The thrill of winning is exciting and it is addictive. That is what draws people back to gaming tables, poker or slot machines, the races, and so on. They are overwhelmed by the thought that they can win money and meanwhile most of them lose and some very heavily. In my neighbourhood there are many who are so addicted to gambling that they forget 먹튀검증 everything else. They can even forget that they left their children boiling in a hot car outside the building.
The spiritual link is sensitive and it was given to a group called the children of Israel at the start of the day of the lord. That is a period shown to me of around 4,000 years. We are at the end of it as the vision described it as a line drawn out and the middle was NOON in large capital letters and there on a cross was a man, Jesus Christ, whose presence came about some 2,000 years ago.
This figure is an invention of Constantine who established the Catholic Church in 325 AD and he is called the second beast of Revelation and 666 in chapter 13:12-18 of that part of the bible. He also put Mary, the Mother God of Babylon in it as the Mother of God and he reinforced the wall put up to hide the real God and to sever the link with the Spirit that the people of God were given.
All types of temptations were allowed to be put before them to test their loyalty and strengthen their commitment. Gambling is one such test as too are all the other false gods, including money and commerce. Constantine is the brains behind the World Order and the systems that support it.
The so-called establishment runs on commerce and industry and the making of money is more important even that survival of human life. This is the trap that is taking those not of the Spirit away for good. Those who can avoid the pit-falls and who remain true to the Spirit are part of the in-gathering taking place now. Those who have lost their link through gambling or anything else are now discarded.