Great Ammo is a cornerstone of competitive shooting. Once you master the fundamentals of marksmanship, the quality of your Ammo can become a differentiator. Want to know what bullets, brass, primers, and powder the best precision rifle shooters in the country are running? That’s what this post is all about 209 primers. I recently surveyed the top 100 shooters in the Precision Rifle Series (PRS), and this post reviews the reloading components those élite shooters were using in 2015.
The PRS tracks top competitors’ places in powerful rifle matches nationwide. I have to remove the shell, dump the powder into a scale pan, take the hull over to the Sizemaster, force the primer to seat, put the powder back into the hull, and continue the loading process. Are you a new rifle owner and do not know much about primers? Then you have hit the right place here, and you will learn crucial details about primers that a rifle owner should know. So, read the post thoroughly and enlighten yourself about Winchester Small Rifle Primers.
Primers are a vital part of ammunition, but many people do not pay much heed to them. This element helps a shooting tool convert mechanical energy into a small-sized fire that can light the powder discharge chamber within a cartridge. The primer contains a primary explosive making it volatile. This explosive ignites the more significant and stable secondary explosive in a riffle and helps in the firing process. It would help if you used a suitable primer in your shooting tool to prevent firing accidents.
Has anyone out there been having any problems with the Winchester 209 primer? The first problem is that I’ve had 8 or 9 misfires in the bottom barrel of two of my Brownings (a Citori and a Superposed) out of about 500 rounds loaded using Winchester 209 primers. Switching the shell to the top barrel fired it. No problems in the Krieghoff. Before we go off on a target about the design of the Brownings, let me say that I’ve had no problems with either CCI-209 or Remington STS primers. The other problem with this same lot of Winchester 209 primers is that one will occasionally not fully seat during the reload operation.
Presently, two types of primers are available, namely Boxer and Berdan. Most American ammunition manufacturers prefer Boxer primers since their primer cups contain a small amount of primary explosive. An internal anvil lies over the base of the primer cup that drives the unstable explosive present in the primer. Boxer and Berdan primers are easily usable in Large Pistol Primers and help reload ammunition perfectly.
However, Boxer is preferred over its contemporary since it is easy to use. Besides, the Boxer primer can be removed from the fire case effortlessly, making it a favorite of rifle owners. Primers are of four types: Small Pistol Primers, large pistol primers, small rifle primers, and large rifle primers. What is the best primer? This is a perennial question for handloaders pursuing optimal accuracy, whether for a bench rest rifle, F-Class, or long-range tactical setup.
The primer is likely the reloading component most shooters know least about, and when that is the case, it is sometimes a good idea to start by looking at what the experts are using. I aggregated the load data listed for various cartridges to see how many times each type of primer was referenced. I chose it for a few reasons: Most of the content is produced by experts in the field, so unlike other online sources … it isn’t just some random guy posting load data he claims is accurate and safe.